Thursday, April 13, 2006



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I got Kepler caught on my daughter's dog's crate. I thought this would be easy to fix with a crochet hook but it isn't. I can't seem to find the threads to coax back into position. I'm going to take it to the LYS to see if Carla has any experience with such matters.

Since I haven't had time to knit, I've been doing alot of THINKING about knitting. I had hoped to purchase some yarn to do a Lady Eleanor stole from the "Scarf Style" book while I was at Maryland Sheep and Wool. Now, I'm seriously considering not going to Sheep and Wool because there is just too much going on with my daughter, my mother, my work, etc. And then, the thought occurred to me, like a light going off, that I should make that stole with the yarn Kelly brought me back from Ireland. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. I have plenty of yarn, I would most likely wear it like a big scarf anyway (like I do clapotis), and then I'd have it at work to wrap up in when I get cold. Sounds like a plan. And I couldn't find an aran pattern I really liked for that yarn anyhow. (however, I do have my eye on that gorgeous creation that Laurie G's got going on right now) Anyhow, decision made.

I've got birthday and Christmas projects on my mind too. My mind is swimming with knitting. I definitely want to order more yarn from Shelly. I just loved the yarn she made me for Kepler. It's a wool/silk blend and I want to make a few scarves from that for Christmas gifts. It feels great against the skin.

My mother is still in intensive care. I'd get into it but she has so many problems I wouldn't know where to start. Suffice it to say that we're hopeful that she can get through this bout of illness like she has in the past.

Kids are at the Pirate game today. Go buccos. It's so great to have them back.


Yvonne said...

Oh no! Egad! I hope that your LYS can help you with the sweater. And I am still sending good wishes your mom's way. Let me know if you need anything, Holly.

Anonymous said...

re: Buccos - I don't know if I'd go THAT far :) I went to PNC Park four times last summer and I think if I never went again, I could live like that. That's a sad statement from me. I used to have almost season seats in 3 Rivers under the scoreboard and went nearly every weekend. But that was when they were Chuck's Bucks and you could get in for $5 and bring your own sandwiches.

Heather said...

Thinking about you and hoping the best for your mom.