Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My New Ride

Normally, I wouldn't post about a new car. But first of all, I've been waiting for this vehicle for a long, long time and secondly, there is an interesting story to go with it. I've always wanted a Saab. I've been driving clunkers for longer than I care to think about. I never really cared too much about what color or model I wanted, I just felt that I'd grab one some day if I could find a good deal and when one of the current family clunkers had to be replaced. That day came last week and I was able to find the vehicle shown above, much to my delight.

The interesting part is this. When the book "The Secret" came out. I read it and did my usual thing with getting excited about a concept that was going to be life changing, only to forget about it and go back to my old routine two weeks later. But during the excitement period, I did what the book suggested and made a "vision board" with photos of things I wanted and hoped to accomplish. The vision board got buried in my office with all the other junk in there and I haven't seen it since the book first came out. As I was cleaning my office on Monday, I came across the vision board. On it, there is a photo of the exact car I bought. Same model, same color, same everything. How weird is that?

There is also a photo of the Eiffel Tower on there. So... next stop... Paris.


Au Revoir


Anonymous said...

Sweet ride. Can I go with you to Paris?

Shell said...

That is a very cool ride! But it seems to be missing something, what could that be? Oh yeah, the yarn to be stashed in back seat! LOL
I really liked the book the Secret, and I had done a similar thing. Only I ended up with a Gold Van! Pretty cool huh?