Monday, March 28, 2005

Easter Monday... Can It Get Any Worse?

Yes, of course, it can always get worse but this day is the day from HELL. Can't find my car keys, can't find my digital camera (after laying Clapotis all out on the table and arranging her nicely for the photo), my cell phone isn't working, my daughter's cell phone isn't working (gee...are you seeing a pattern here?) We switched from AT&T to Cingular for the cell phone and the bill is now coming in a large envelope which my DH thought was junk mail and chose to ignore it. (ugh!)

ON the bright side I managed NOT to poison anyone yesterday but I also would never have pulled that dinner off without my mother coming in and taking charge. ThankGOD. I was in way over my head on that one. I think I just need to stick to knitting and forget cooking. I know my limitations.

So I tried all afternoon yesterday to follow the directions that Jillz ("purl up with a good yarn" blog) was kind enough to send me to activate my blog buttons... I failed miserably...sorry Jillz...after all that work sending me that stuff. I will keep trying though.

Cate came close to finishing her Sophie bag before having to go back to school. If I had had more time to help her she could have done it. I'm tempted to finish it for her but that won't help her learn so I guess I'll let it sit until she comes home again.

I'll drop the third row of stitches on Clapotis tonight. I am enjoying this project more than anything I've knitted in a long time. I keep waiting to get bored with it (I have a small attention span) but I'm loving every minute of it. (have I already said that? about 100 times?) I'm already envisioning the yarn for the next one.