Thursday, July 13, 2006

Can you say.... GORGEOUS??

I stopped at the LYS at lunch time.... always dangerous. And today was no exception. I missed the "meet the dyer" open house she had last Sunday but I did want to see the new superwash wool colorways from Gypsy Knits. They are TO DIE FOR (or to dye for.. ha ha) Anyhow, check it out.

I had to have that skein of pumpkin on the bottom. You can't see the colorways very well in this photo but they are insanely beautiful. I have truly never had such a tough time making a decision about yarn.

If your LYS doesn't carry this yarn, and they probably don't because this is a brand new little start up company in Maryland, take a road trip and check them out here:

Victoria's House of Needleart

What else am I excited about???


Gotta go. August 13th. PNC Park. I can taste the hot dogs and IC Light right now.


Sarah said...

Wow, that is some exceeding gorgeous yarn. Drooling over here, big time.

I am excited for Stich & Pitch! Think I can convince the fiance to come and sit amongst the knitters if I pay for his ticket?