Thursday, May 25, 2006

Vacation Day

I took the day off to take a drop spindle class. I'll lick this if it kills me!
In fact I'm late for it now.

But I just have one thing to say about American Idol.
Lisa Tucker was obviously the one with the voice.
Was she not pretty enough? What was up with that??


Yvonne said...

SOUL PATROL! I did like Lisa. Mandisa has a great voice but I think her weight really worked against her (shame, really). I thought that Kat should have been voted off early...way before Elliott, and definitely before Chris. Yes, I am an AI junky. Good luck with the spindle class!!!

LaurieG said...

Hope your spindling went well! Show off your yarn. And I had to laugh about the American Idol thing. My husband asked me last night who I thought would win (he had to explain what, I've never watched the show) and I picked Taylor...