Saturday, October 01, 2005

Secret Pal Yarn

Truly I don't know what's wrong with this camera. I bought a new one to get clear photos and this is happening....blurry again. But you can still see the fabulous colors in this yarn. My secret pal was concerned I wouldn't like it because I don' t like purple. To me, these are wines, and pinks, and mauves....with only a tiny smidge of purple here and there. It's beautiful. And while I was contemplating a baby sweater, (it's exactly the colors I was looking for for the project) I keep looking at it and thinking .... socks for Holly...socks for Holly... I actually love wool socks and I don't care if I have to hand wash them in woolite. I live in drafty barn of a house and I need wool socks! Anyhow I love this yarn. I also took a photo of the cute knitting note cards she sent but it was too blurry to even try to post.

I'm also excited today because my boss gave me these:

Now this may not look too exciting to you, but they are going to allow me to do this:

You soak the cedar boards in water for 24 hours, get them good and wet, then grill salmon on them and the salmon takes on the cedar flavor. It's delectable. Unfortunately, I forgot to soak them last night, and I can't eat anything tomorrow (test at hospital Monday morning) so I guess I'll save them for next week. Darn.

Today I am going here:
Fall Foliage Festival in Bedford Pa - Pennsylvania

In my opinion, this website is really lame. This is one great fall foliage festival and the website makes it look really crappy. My husband would rather eat nails than go with me so I guess I'll go by myself.. which is just as well. No one will be pestering me to leave. I'm going to eat funnel cake and sausage sandwiches no one will be looking over my shoulder frowning at my lack of self control. Yay. I'm really really hoping that there may be some hand dyed yarns there. It's huge, and it's farm country so I think there's a good chance. I'll let you know.

In other knitting news, Clapotis III is boring me to death. I should have known. It's going to look great with my winter coat but I'm really wondering what I would wear it with just as a shawl. It will not be dressy in any way. It's like "Country Clapotis". I'm going to have to buy a wool skirt to match it. I picked it up to work on it the other night and noticed that my bamboo needle was cracked almost in half. Might someone have SAT ON IT??? Oh no, nobody got even close to it. Upon interrogation, it seems that nobody sat on the love seat where I had it spread out. So, I guess it's safe to say that the needle just broke in half all by itself. Amazing how that happens. Spontaneous needle bustage. :-) I guess it was my fault for letting it sit there unattended. When will I learn??